The France Terre Textile label

The France Terre Textile label 

Maison Izard is labeled France Terre Textile®!

Driven by our desire to promote local production and preserve local jobs and resources, we are proud to be among more than 150 players greatly contributing to the revival of made in France, for our woolen sweaters and our woolen accessories. !

But besides, what is the France Terre Textile® label?

The textile sector in France: between glorious past, decline and renewal

Before starting to tell you more about this label, it is interesting to make a brief inventory of French manufacturing, from the 17th century to the present day.

And yes, because the textile industry in France has a long history! It was even one of the main spearheads of our economy between the 17th and 18th centuries thanks to a very large production force carried by the historical know-how of renowned textile basins such as the Vosges (Vosges linen) , the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (lace from Calais), or the Rhône-Alpes region (silks from Lyon). Another important thing to note, but difficult to imagine nowadays, the textile sector was even one of the biggest providers of jobs.

However, at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the sector underwent profound changes that reduced its production capacity by half and led to cascading closures and massive waves of layoffs. The reason ? Globalization and the attractiveness of offshoring, which make it possible to separate each industrial stage (spinning, weaving, dyeing, tailoring, etc.) – where each of these stages was previously done in France – and thus obtain much lower production costs standards of the time while offering consumers clothing at extremely low prices.

The rest, you know, globalization has accelerated, brands have massively relocated their production tools and made in France has become increasingly rare.

It is only very recently that the made in France has regained the hearts of the French, carried by brands such as Le Slip Français or Atelier Tuffery and by the talent, the capacity for innovation and the exclusive know-how of former or new workshops.

And it is in particular to promote these new local actors, anchored in their territories, committed to the ecological transition and vectors of local employment, that the France Terre Textile label was created.

The France Terre Textile label: preservation of local know-how

Created in 2008, France Terre Textile is a label highlighting the actors of the French textile sector (more than 150 actors to date!) around a common objective: the preservation of French know-how and jobs.

In detail, it guarantees consumers, distributors and professionals that 75% of production operations for the audited product are carried out in France.

Thus, France Terre Textile® certifies that each product respects the following points:

  • From a local production,
  • Favors local subcontracting,
  • Benefits from clear traceability,
  • Is subject to quality controls at all stages of production,
  • Respects the environment and biodiversity.

The France Terre Textile® and Maison Izard label

At Maison Izard, we have given ourselves the mission of promoting wool from the Pyrenees through a mixed, committed and timeless wardrobe, made from local wool and recycled materials, while highlighting local know-how by making of choice to concentrate all our production stages only in the South-West, as close as possible to us.

This label allows us to assure you of our attachment to our territory and our local partners, and to ensure complete traceability throughout the entire production chain.

Here is the detail of our production chain, our partners and their certification(s) by production stage:

  • Creation : it is in our shop, in Pau, near the mountain that inspires us, that we seek to improve all the products that you already know and that we think up our new models to offer you a timeless wardrobe.
  • Spinning : Filature du Parc, Tarn spinner specializing in yarns made from natural and recycled materials. The company, with more than 65 years of know-how, is labeled EPV (Living Heritage Company).
  • Knitting : Missègle, Tarn knitting workshop specializing in natural fibers and labeled France Terre Textile and EPV.
  • Dyeing : Plo, dyer-ennobler, installed for 5 generations in the Tarn and labeled France Terre Textile.

We hope that this short presentation of the label will make you want to discover all the players with the France Terre Textile® label, and to live the Pyrenean adventure even more intensely with Maison Izard!